About Gender-Based Violence Navigation Advocate
The Gender-Based Violence Navigation Advocate (GBVNA) provides intake and coordination services across VAW systemic response sectors to ensure that self-identified women who are experiencing or at high risk of violence have contiguous access to ongoing and appropriate support, referrals, effective safety planning and collaborative risk assessment. This position integrates the protocol developed by our High-Risk Navigation Project, which provides a coordinated and effective social system response for those who experience GBV in the Thunder Bay district. This project’s intention is to keep the safety of women and their children at the Centre of the systemic response, especially when perpetrators are assessed at high risk of causing harm.
This service is for self-identified women who have experienced or are experiencing physical and/or sexual violence or coercive control by a partner, family member or acquaintance, especially where the violence or threat of violence is ongoing.
The GBV Navigation Advocate aims to:
- Ensure that women who are experiencing or at high risk of gender-based violence have contiguous access to ongoing and appropriate support and referrals
- Ensure that safety planning and a collaborative risk assessment has been completed and is up to date (if not done elsewhere)
- Coordinate with VAW service providers to ensure that critical information is shared
The Gender Based Violence Navigator is intended to enhance the effectiveness of existing VAW response, not duplicate or replace it. For more information on the GBV Navigation Advocacy services, please contact [email protected] or call 807-935-8042
The GBV Navigation Advocate works within the Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre (NWOWC) out of Thunder Bay, Ontario. This project is made possible through funding from the Canadian Women’s Foundation, Safer + Stronger Program.