Contact Us
The Analysis to Action on Gender-Based Violence Project and the High Risk Navigation Project are both run by the Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre:
73 Cumberland St. N. Suite 101
Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7A 4L8
Phone: 807-345-7802
Email: [email protected]
AAGBV Project
The Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre is a registered charity (892517780-RR-0001) and relies on government funding and private donations to continue our work with women. We offer charitable tax receipts for monetary donations over $20. Donors can designate which area of service they wish to support, i.e. General program, Bursary Fund or the Good Food Box Program. Donations can be made directly by cheque, Interac Email Transfer, via Canada Helps or by PAD transfer. PAD allows you to contribute a consistent amount on a regular basis, which assists us in planning future projects. Please contact Lori Gilbert at [email protected] or by phone (807) 345-7802 if you would like to arrange a donation to the Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre.